One would have to search high and low to find a more contented couple then Lana and Geoff, whose organic farm we are presently staying on in the northern part of Portugal. The friendliest English couple you could ever wish to meet, who moved here 20 years ago, and have made a perfect lifestyle for themselves. We are dining almost exclusively from the labors of their own hands, apart from the obvious fresh vegatables, eggs/chickens, there is rabbit, and lamb (the best ever). In addition to a well established vineyard, but being the end of the season we sadly missed out on their wine, and so have to purchase other local wines (under €2!).
Their 3 dogs, all rescued, greet us enthusiastically as we come and go... and I had the real pleasure of having one accompany me on a decent walk up the hillside behind the house. Throughout the day one hears the chickens scratching around, sheep bleating, a couple of goats prancing around (they have a bells around their necks) birds chirping by day and the owl by is a lovely peaceful spot.
The rolling countryside, often quite steep at times, is crammed with vineyards and modest tiled roof houses, and the people are so friendly.... yes this is a gentle place to live, with a delightful climate, even though one must work hard to scratch a living from the dry dusty land.
So, we set off to Lisbon (a 4 hour drive) tomorrow for 3 nights then it's back to the States on Friday 14th Oct, and so our European adventure comes to a close.
We feel we have managed to see and do a lot over the past 3 months, with many lovely memories, cousin Barbara, who joined us for our time in Portugal, returns to England Thursday.
As for future plans .... it's North Carolina for November, Florida for Dec/Jan, then off with the back packs again for 3 months exploring Central America..... will keep you posted.